Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Where It All Began

Well here it is folks. My blog of my adventures and the beautiful life I live through my camera lens. So I want to start my first post on here a little about this blog... it all started growing up. I always enjoyed taking pictures and my first camera (well cameras I should say) were those disposable cameras - aka "single use cameras". Remember those? Ya know... the ones where you can only get like 20-something pictures from it, you take a picture and then before you can take the next one you have to wind it up. Then you have to send it somewhere to get the pictures printed/developed. Kind of time consuming process compared to what we have now a days... Gotta love technology.

Anyways, I went through a lot of those, taking pictures of random things, but mostly my pets or the beautiful sunsets we had in Wyoming growing up. I'm sure my dad was always shaking his head at me when I handed him another one to get developed and it came back with all these random pictures.
I guess you can say taking pictures has ran in the family. My dad really loves to take pictures and when we would go on trips he had his camera there taking pictures of all the places we traveled. One of my memories I have is when we to Glacier National Park and while he had his camera taking pictures of my brother and I, and the beautiful scenery, I wanted to take some pictures of other random things.... like a chipmunk. So I eventually got my own digital camera - so I could take all the pictures of anything I wanted without having to convince my dad to let me take a picture of well... a chipmunk for example.

So since I had my first digital camera I have taken tons of pictures. Well finally I got my first DSLR camera. Let me tell you.... I LOVE IT!! So there's my story... and the rest is picture taking!

If you haven't already, go and like my Facebook Page - (hope the link works!!!)

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