Thursday, October 23, 2014

Woof ~ Roar ~ Oink

Maybe I have started taking the phrase "my fur kids" to the next level. Even if I have, you can't deny how cute these pictures turned out of Mo and Curly with their Halloween costumes. This is the 21st century, people dress up their pets. And who wouldn't want to make sure their picture was taken once they are in a ridiculously adorable costume?? So of course I got props and picked out a nice area to make a good background. They turned out pretty good.
Mo the Lion

Hear me Roar
Curly as "Miss Piggy"
Mo is very photogenic. I set everything up and she just hopped up on the hay bale and posed for me. She seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

Curly on the other hand.... hated it. He kept walking away, trying to hide behind the car. He first didn't like getting his picture taken, and then he especially was embarrassed to be seen in his costume. He finally cooperated and let me got a couple of good pics.

But I didn't torment him for too long and let me play afterwards. He loves to chase Mo around and then what dog would turn down a good game of fetch?

I asked Curly what he thought of his photo shoot and this is the look he gave me.

Another Day of Riding

That's just it: Another day of riding. Hutch bought a new horse this spring and I must say... He is pretty good looking (oh and the horse too!), so of course I wanted to get some fun pictures of him riding his bay. Unfortunately we need to still come up with a good name for this guy. His papered name is "Be My Dynamite" and that is exactly how Hutch got this horse - he kept bucking off his previous owners. Except I don't like calling him that because he is actually a sweet, gentle guy. You just have to get to know him a bit, you just can't jump on him and start kicking at him. Plus, who wants to say "Go catch 'Be My Dynamite' and saddle him up." Not me... so I am on the hunt for a good, fitting name.

So here are a few pictures of my awesome husband and his new horse.

So the next part of the ride. My other kids:


Meet Curly: He is an English bulldog / blue heeler cross. Kind of a random mix for sure. But he is one of the best dogs. Not only is he good looking, but he has a fun personality. Who wouldn't look at that face and fall in love with this big guy.

Then we have Mo. This dog can run. She will cover an entire mountain on our horse rides. She can run... and run... and run... and did I mention run? Well she never seems to get tired and will go for miles. She also loves to go out on the edge of a cliff and look over, and that is exactly what she is doing here. Letting the wind rush through her face.

 So this picture, well its not my amazing husband but its an amazing picture. There is this ledge that goes out a ways from the side of the mountain, and we wanted to get some pictures off of it, however getting the horses out to the very edge was a little trickier than we thought. They didn't want to go to the edge, plus there were some big rocks it was hard for them to get over. But we got them as far out as we could and made it happen. This is Hutch's brother - Justin. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I would say this picture is worth a good story. Like I said, the horses didn't really want to go out to the edge of the ledge. We had Hutch pulling on them, Justin behind them, and then Curly dog was just trying to help encourage them, however the bay did not want to cooperate - especially at Curly and tried swatting at him. Luckily I shot it at the right moment.

Morning Light

I am so blessed to live in Morgan, UT. It is such a beautiful place, especially when the sun rises and that first light hits the mountains. One September morning Hutch and I decided to wake up really early, saddle the horses, and ride up the mountain in the dark and watch the sunrise. We were hoping we would see some elk, but it was a little early in the season for the elk to be low enough. Although we didn't see any wildlife, the ride was still worth it plus some amazing photos! Who wouldn't love that??
Isn't it beautiful when the light just hits those mountains!

 Well for those who don't know me, let me tell you a little about me - or you can just figure it out through my pictures. There are a couple of things that I absolutely love. 1. Animals. And all of them, so of course I have to take pictures of all my kids. 2. Outdoors. Mother Nature is an amazing place to spend time in. She is beautiful, so relaxing, [lus its nice to have that breath of fresh air. 

She usually just eats the leaves, but thought she would try out the entire branch.
So meet Lola: She is my baby. My first horse I ever owned. I have been through a lot of adventures with her and she has taken me over more miles than I can count. She definitely has quite the personality, sometimes a little moody now and then, but she also is my model for some of my photography.

 What else goes great with a beautiful sunrise. Maybe some fall color!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Where It All Began

Well here it is folks. My blog of my adventures and the beautiful life I live through my camera lens. So I want to start my first post on here a little about this blog... it all started growing up. I always enjoyed taking pictures and my first camera (well cameras I should say) were those disposable cameras - aka "single use cameras". Remember those? Ya know... the ones where you can only get like 20-something pictures from it, you take a picture and then before you can take the next one you have to wind it up. Then you have to send it somewhere to get the pictures printed/developed. Kind of time consuming process compared to what we have now a days... Gotta love technology.

Anyways, I went through a lot of those, taking pictures of random things, but mostly my pets or the beautiful sunsets we had in Wyoming growing up. I'm sure my dad was always shaking his head at me when I handed him another one to get developed and it came back with all these random pictures.
I guess you can say taking pictures has ran in the family. My dad really loves to take pictures and when we would go on trips he had his camera there taking pictures of all the places we traveled. One of my memories I have is when we to Glacier National Park and while he had his camera taking pictures of my brother and I, and the beautiful scenery, I wanted to take some pictures of other random things.... like a chipmunk. So I eventually got my own digital camera - so I could take all the pictures of anything I wanted without having to convince my dad to let me take a picture of well... a chipmunk for example.

So since I had my first digital camera I have taken tons of pictures. Well finally I got my first DSLR camera. Let me tell you.... I LOVE IT!! So there's my story... and the rest is picture taking!

If you haven't already, go and like my Facebook Page - (hope the link works!!!)