That's just it: Another day of riding. Hutch bought a new horse this spring and I must say... He is pretty good looking (oh and the horse too!), so of course I wanted to get some fun pictures of him riding his bay. Unfortunately we need to still come up with a good name for this guy. His papered name is "Be My Dynamite" and that is exactly how Hutch got this horse - he kept bucking off his previous owners. Except I don't like calling him that because he is actually a sweet, gentle guy. You just have to get to know him a bit, you just can't jump on him and start kicking at him. Plus, who wants to say "Go catch 'Be My Dynamite' and saddle him up." Not me... so I am on the hunt for a good, fitting name.
So here are a few pictures of my awesome husband and his new horse.
So the next part of the ride. My other kids:
Meet Curly: He is an English bulldog / blue heeler cross. Kind of a random mix for sure. But he is one of the best dogs. Not only is he good looking, but he has a fun personality. Who wouldn't look at that face and fall in love with this big guy.

Then we have Mo. This dog can run. She will cover an entire mountain on our horse rides. She can run... and run... and run... and did I mention run? Well she never seems to get tired and will go for miles. She also loves to go out on the edge of a cliff and look over, and that is exactly what she is doing here. Letting the wind rush through her face.

So this picture, well its not my amazing husband but its an amazing
picture. There is this ledge that goes out a ways from the side of the
mountain, and we wanted to get some pictures off of it, however getting
the horses out to the very edge was a little trickier than we thought.
They didn't want to go to the edge, plus there were some big rocks it
was hard for them to get over. But we got them as far out as we could
and made it happen. This is Hutch's brother - Justin.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I would say this picture is worth a good story. Like I said, the horses didn't really want to go out to the edge of the ledge. We had Hutch pulling on them, Justin behind them, and then Curly dog was just trying to help encourage them, however the bay did not want to cooperate - especially at Curly and tried swatting at him. Luckily I shot it at the right moment.